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【2019版 ? 新人教版】



Unit 5


There are some differences in vocabulary between BrE and AME. For example, the American English words "subway", "gas","pants"and "apartment" are "underground", "petrol", "trousers" and "flat" in British English. Each nation has its own tongue but in my point of view, language changes relate to the variety of political systems and civilizations of different countries, and despite these, there are other factors,too. The gaps between languages will become smaller over time. Some languages can date back to the earliest dynasty. With ups and downs of a nation, its language is constantly changing. No matter how language develops, it is a symbol of a nation.

Tom is a native and English is his native language. He can speak standard English as well as local dialect. In addition, he has studied Chinese characters and is good at calligraphy. He has learnedto carve Chinese characters onanimal bones and shells. He especially appreciates classic Chinese literature and regards it as his major research subject, so he tries every means to refer to Chinese classics based on ancient Chinese culture and civilisation. Tom cares about global affairs and has a positive attitude towards life. In his semester paper, he gives a specific description of man's demand and struggle for equal rights.


There are some differences in vocabulary between BrE and AmE. For ex&le, the American English words "subway", "gas", "pants" and "apartment" are "underground", "petrol", "trousers" and "flat" in British English. Each nation has its own tongue but in my point of view, language changes relate to the variety of political systems and civilizations of different countries, and despite these, there are other factors, too. The gaps between languages will become smaller over time. Some languages can date back to the earliest dynasty. With ups and downs of a nation, its language is constantly changing. No matter how language develops, it is a symbol of a nation.


英国英语和美国英语在词汇上有所不同。例如,美式英语单词“subway”“ gas”“ pants”和“ apartment”在英式英语中是“ underground”“ petrol”“ trousers”和“ flat”。每个国家都有自己的语言,但在我看来,语言的变化不同国家的政治制度和文明的多样性有关尽管如此,还有其他因素。随着时间的推移,语言之间的差距会越来越小。有些语言可以追溯到最早的朝代。一个国家的起起落落,其语言是不断变化的。无论语言如何发展,它都是一个民族的象征

Tom is a native and English is his native language. He can speak standard English as well as local dialect. In addition, he has studied Chinese characters and is good at calligraphy. He has learned to carve Chinese characters on animal bones and shells. He especially appreciates classic Chinese literature and regards it as his major research subject, so he tries every means to refer to Chinese classics based on ancient Chinese culture and civilisation. Tom cares about global affairs and has a positive attitude towards life. In his semester paper, he gives a specific description of man's demand and struggle for equal rights.



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