
科灵网 6 0


clap /kl?p/v%. 拍手,鼓掌

wave /we?v/ v. 挥手;挥手示意

shake /?e?k/ v. 摇动,抖动

st& /st?mp/ vt. 跺(脚),重踩

shoulder /????ld?(r)/ n. 肩,肩膀

shoulders/'??uld?z/ n. 肩膀

toe /t??/ n. (人的)脚趾,(兽、鸟的)趾

toes /t??z/ n. [解剖]脚趾

knee /ni?/ n. 膝盖

knees /ni?z/ [解剖]膝

first/f??st/ adv. 第一,最初;起初

1、Close your eyes.闭上你的眼睛

Open your mouth.张开你的嘴巴

Touch your nose.摸你的鼻子

Touch your ear.

Touch your face.

2、make a puppet 做一个木偶

Let's make a peppet.让我们做一个木偶

Great.好啊/Good idea! 好主意!

3、Clap your hands.拍怕手

Touch your head.摸摸头

Wave your arms.挥挥手臂

Shake your legs.抖抖腿

Shake your body.抖抖身体

Stamp your foot.跺跺脚

4、Head and shoulders,knees and toes.


Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.


5、make the head制作头部

make the body 制作身体

An arm and a leg.一只手臂和一只脚

Let's play with the puppet.让我们和木偶一起玩吧
