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Why are there "hot people" and "cold people"?
【单词】hot [hot][h?t] adj. 热的

Like the people who are perpetually too hot or too cold.
【单词】perpetually [per-'pech-oo-uh-lee][p?'pet?u?li] adv. 持久地;永恒地

Like my father (54m) and I (19f) often complain about the house being too hot and we're also more immune to cold weather while my mother (55f) will always be wearing several layers around the house while my father and I are sitting around in shorts.
【单词】complain [kuhm-'pleyn][k?m'ple?n] vi. 抱怨;控诉;诉说
【单词】immune [ih-'myoon][?'mju?n] adj. 免疫的;免除的
【单词】weather ['weth-er]['wee?] n. 天气;气象
【单词】wearing 原型:wear [wair][we?] v. 穿戴
【单词】layers 原型:layer ['ley-er]['le??] n. 层
【单词】sitting 原型:sit [sit][s?t] v. 坐;栖息

Perhaps the main reason is the amount of brown fat a person has.
【单词】brown [broun][bra?n] adj. 棕色的;褐色的
【单词】fat [fat][f?t] n. 脂肪;肥肉

Brown fat metabolizes stored energy quickly when you are cold.
【单词】metabolizes [muh-'tab-uh-lahyz][m?'t?b?la?z] vt. (使)产生代谢变化
【单词】stored 原型:store [stawr, stohr][st??] vt. 储存;贮藏;保存

A person lacking much brown fat will feel cold much more easily.

And the presence of brown fat is a genetic/developmental thing, not determined by diet.
【单词】presence ['prez-uhns]['prezns] n. 出席;存在;到场;【生】存在度
【单词】determined 原型:determine [dih-'tur-min][d?'t??m?n] v. 决定;决心;确定;测定
【单词】diet ['dahy-it]['da??t] n. 日常食物;规定饮食

This is along with the general differences in volume and surface area.
【单词】surface ['sur-fis]['s??f?s] n. 表面;外表;平面 adj. 表面的

A fatter person will have noticeably more volume than a skinnier one, but only slightly more surface area.
【单词】fatter 原型:fat 形容词比较级,更胖的
【单词】noticeably ['noh-ti-suh-buhl]['n??t?s?bli] adv. 显著地;明显地
【单词】skinnier ['skin-ee]['sk?ni] adj. 皮包骨头的;很瘦的

【单词】slightly [slahyt]['sla?tli] adv. 些微地;稍微;瘦小地

Heat transfer occurs according to surface area, but total thermal energy stored is dependent on volume.
【短语】according to ... 根据,按照,取决于,据…所说;例句:But, these sites are not without risk, according to the report. 但是根据报告,这些网站并不是没有风险。
【单词】Heat 原型:heat [heet][hi?t] n. 热度;热
【单词】transfer ['trans-fer][tr?ns'f??] n. 迁移;移动
【单词】occurs 原型:occur [uh-'kur][?'k??] vi. 发生;存在;出现
【单词】according 原型:accord [uh-'kawrd][?'k??d] v. 与...一致;给予
【单词】thermal ['thur-muhl]['θ??ml] adj. 热的;热量的;保热的
【单词】dependent [dih-'pen-duhnt][d?'pend?nt] adj. 依靠的;依赖的;从属的


This means skinny people lose heat more rapidly.
【单词】lose [looz][lu?z] vt. 丢失;削减;亏损
【单词】rapidly ['rap-id]['r?p?dli] adv. 迅速地;很快地

You're right about the function of brown fat, but there's very little evidence that this is why adults experience heat and cold differently.
【单词】function ['fuhngk-shuh?n]['f??k?n] n. 功能
【单词】adults 原型:adult [uh-'duhlt, 'ad-uhlt]['?d?lt] n. 成年人;成年动物
【单词】differently ['dif-er-uhnt-lee, 'dif-ruhnt‐]['d?fr?ntli] adv. 不同地

Adults, in general, possess very little brown fat.
【单词】possess [puh-'zes][p?'zes] vt. 拥有;持有;支配

The culprit is more likely to do with:
【单词】culprit ['kuhl-prit]['k?lpr?t] n. 罪犯;起因

Thyroid function: if you produce very little thyroid hormone, then you will feel more cold.
【单词】thyroid ['thahy-roid]['θa?r??d] n. 甲状腺 adj. 甲状腺的
【单词】hormone ['hawr-mohn]['h??m??n] n. 荷尔蒙;激素

If you produce at the higher end, you will feel warm more often (and you will also be skinnier - which seems to speak more to what OP experiences).
【单词】warm [wawrm][w??m] adj. 温暖的;暖和的
【专有名词】OP 发帖者,楼主,是Original Poster的简称

Iron: People with lower iron have a harder time delivering oxygen-rich blood to peripheral tissue.
【单词】iron ['ahy-ern]['a??n] n. 铁
【单词】delivering 原型:deliver [dih-'liv-er][d?'l?v?] v. 递送;交付
【单词】oxygen-rich ['?ks?d??nr'?t?] n. 多氧
【单词】peripheral [puh-'rif-er-uhl][p?'r?f?r?l] adj. 外围的;不重要的
【单词】tissue ['tish-oo]['t??u?] n. (生物的)组织

Women frequently have anemia at rates much higher than men, and women more frequently experience cold-intolerance as well.
【短语】as well 也(相当于too);同样地;还不如;此外;例句:We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well. 既要有原则性, 也要有灵活性。
【单词】frequently ['free-kwuhnt-lee]['fri?kw?ntli] adv. 频繁地;经常地
【单词】anemia [uh-'nee-mee-uh][?'ni?mi??] n. 贫血;贫血症

【单词】intolerance [in-'tol-er-uhns][?n't?l?r?ns] n. 偏执;不宽容;无法忍受

Circulation: hear rate, blood pressure, blood lipids/cholesterol, and blood sugar all impact circulation and the ability of your blood to perfuse peripheral tissue.
【单词】circulation [sur-kyuh-'ley-shuhn][?s??kj?'le??n] n. 流通;循环
【单词】sugar ['shoo?g-er]['??ɡ?] n. 糖
【单词】impact [im-'pakt]['?mp?kt] n. 影响
【单词】ability [uh-'bil-i-tee][?'b?l?ti] n. 能力;才能
【单词】perfuse [per-'fyooz][p?'fju?z] vt. 洒遍;撒满;撒布

If your circulation is poor, you will have greater cold intolerance.

Weight, metabolism, and circulation could all be factors.
【单词】weight [weyt][we?t] n. 重量;体重
【单词】metabolism [muh-'tab-uh-liz-uhm][m?'t?b?l?z?m] n. 新陈代谢
【单词】factors 原型:factor ['fak-ter]['f?kt?] n. 因素;因数;因子

Having more adipose tissue would increase insulation of heat in your body, which also makes it more difficult for your body to release sweat through your skin in order to thermoregulate.
【用法】in order to 意为“为了……”,表示目的;在用法和意义上相当于so as to结构,但是in order to结构可以用于句首、句中,而so as to多用于句中。其否定式分别为:in order not to 和so as not to。in order to在句中表示目的时,常可以转化成in order that。如:We should work hard in order to pass the exam.=We should work hard in order that we can pass the exam.
【单词】adipose ['ad-uh-pohs]['?d?p??s] n. 脂肪
【单词】insulation [in-suh-'ley-shuhn][??nsju'le??n] n. 【物】绝缘(体);隔离;孤立
【单词】release [ri-'lees][r?'li?s] vt. 释放
【单词】sweat [swet][swet] n. 汗水
【单词】thermoregulate [θ??m??'regj?le?t] v. (使)经受温度(尤指体温) 调节

Factors that affect metabolism include stress, mood, blood sugar, hormones (such as cortisol , estrogen, growth hormone, and thyroid hormone, all of which alter your metabolic mechanisms and generally increase body temperature at higher levels), and certain medications.
【短语】such as 比如,例如;例句:I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. 我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。
【单词】affect [verb uh-'fekt; noun 'af-ekt][?'fekt] vt. 影响;感动;作用
【单词】stress [ethstres][stres] n. 压力;强调
【单词】mood [mood][mu?d] n. 心情;情绪;气氛
【单词】hormones 原型:hormone ['hawr-mohn]['h??m??n] n. 荷尔蒙;激素
【单词】cortisol ['kawr-tuh-sawl, -sohl]['k??t?s?l] n. [生]皮质(甾)醇
【单词】estrogen ['es-truh-juhn]['i?str?d??n] n. 雌激素
【单词】alter ['awl-ter]['??lt?] v. 改变;更改
【单词】metabolic [met-uh-'bol-ik][?met?'b?l?k] adj. 新陈代谢的
【单词】mechanisms 原型:mechanism ['mek-uh-niz-uhm]['mek?n?z?m] n. 机制;原理
【单词】temperature remit ['tem-per-uh-cher]['tempr?t??] n. 气温;体温;温度
【单词】medications 原型:medication [med-i-'key-shuhn][?med?'ke??n] n. 药物;医药

Also, men often tend to have better peripheral circulation.
【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趋向;偏重”,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。
【单词】tend [tend][tend] v. 趋向;易于;朝向 v. 照料;照管

More blood circulates through their extremities, through the hands, legs, and feet, while women have poorer peripheral circulation with more blood concentrated in the central area.
【单词】circulates 原型:circulate ['sur-kyuh-leyt]['s??kj?le?t] vi. 流通;循环;传播
【单词】extremities 原型:extremity [ik-'strem-i-tee][?k'strem?ti] n. 极端;极度;尽头 (复)extremities: 四肢;手足.
【单词】legs 原型:leg [leg][comleɡ] n. 腿
【单词】feet 原型:foot [foo?t][f?t] n. 脚
【单词】concentrated 原型:concentrate ['kon-suhn-treyt]['k?nsntre?t] v. 专心;集中;浓缩

Women also tend to have more surface area in general than men, again leading to quicker release of sweat and therefore heat.
【单词】quicker 原型:quick 形容词比较级 [kwik][kw?k] adj. 迅速的;快的;机敏的 adv. 迅速地;快

This means women normally tend to feel colder than men, especially in the hands and feet.
【单词】normally ['nawr-muh-lee]['n??m?li] adv. 通常;正常地

Certain conditions and nutritional deficiencies could also alter body temperature and metabolism, such as iron-deficiency or anemia, which is common in menstruating women and decreases perfusion of oxygen through the body, which leads to feeling cold.
【单词】conditions 原型:condition [kuh?n-'dish-uh?n][k?n'd??n] n. 条件;情况
【单词】nutritional [noo-'trish-uhn, nyoo-][nju'tr???nl] adj. 营养的;滋养的
【单词】deficiencies 原型:deficiency [dih-'fish-uhn-see][d?'f??nsi] n. 缺乏;不足;缺陷;缺点
【单词】iron-deficiency ['a??nd?f'??ns?] 缺铁性
【单词】menstruating ['men-stroo-eyt, -streyt]['menstrue?t] vi. 行经;月经来潮
【单词】decreases 原型:decrease [dih-'krees][d?'kri?s] v. 减少;减小;降低
【单词】perfusion [per-'fyoo-zhuhn][p?'fju???n] n. 灌注;充满
【单词】oxygen ['ok-si-juhn]['?ks?d??n] n. 氧;氧气

Any conditions or medications that alter the function of the hypothalamus, which controls thermoregulation, could also lead to temperature changes.
【单词】hypothalamus [hahy-puh-'thal-uh-muhs][?ha?p?'θ?l?m?s] n. [医]丘脑下部;下丘脑
【单词】thermoregulation [thur-moh-reg-yuh-'ley-shuhn][?θ??m???regj?'le???n] n. 温度调节


Hope this helped!

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