
科灵网 15 0


hide /ha?d/ v. 把……藏起来,隐藏;躲藏

seek /si?k/ v. 寻找;寻求,谋求;请求(帮助

hide-and -seek 捉迷藏

play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏

count eth/ka?nt/ v. (按顺序)数数;计数

count up to 共计,数到,合计

count up to ten 数到10

ready /?redi/ adj. (某人)准备好(做某事)的

start apple/stɑ?t/ v. 开始(做某事);使发生

jump /d??mp/v. 跳,跃

together /t??ɡee?(r)/ adv. 在一起,共同


Look at the photo.

It's a photo of my class. 它是一张我班级的照片

Who is this man? 这个男人是谁? He is Mr. White.

Who is that woman? She is Miss daisy

Is this a photo of your family? 这是一张你的全家福吗?

Yes,this is my father. He is a cook.

Is she a cook ,too? 她也是一个厨师吗?

No,she isn't. She is a teacher.

Let have a look.让我看一下

It's you. (照片中)是你。

Let's plat hide-and-seek. Count up to ten

I'm ready.我准备好了 Start.开始

boys and girls,Let's jump together.让我们一起跳

This is my bag.What's in it?里面有什么?

one cake,two apples and a branana

Here are two cakes. 这有两块蛋糕

These are oranges.这些是橘子

标签: eth apple
