
科灵网 21 0


unclear adj.不清楚的;不明确的;

/?Vn?klIE /

安克力啊 安可丽尔

cl策略, ear耳朵


un--加在形容词 ( 以 ab le结尾的除外)、过 去分词、现在分词前面构成形容词,表示完全否定。

Written exercises 书面练习

A Rewrite these sentences, using either has to or I think he is probably ...模仿例句,使用has to或I think he is probably ... 改写以下句子。


He must be home before six o’clock.

He has to be home before six o’clock.

He must be tired.

I think he is probably tired.

1 He must be here at six o’clock.

2 He must be busy.

3 He must be at the office early tomorrow.

4 He must be sleeping.

5 He must be French.

6 He must be in France next week.

7 He must be an engineer.

B Write new sentences.



I think she’s Danish. (Swedish)

I don’t think so. She can’t be Danish.

She must be Swedish.

1 I think she’s Italian. (Greek)

2 I think he’s English. (American)

3 I think they’re Canadian. (Australian)

4 I think he’s a mechanic. (engineer)

5 I think he’s a bus conductor. (bus driver)

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